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1.03a the Channel Box: Transform Attributes

Duration: 2:32


The first part of the Channel Box is a list of the available transform attributes.  These are the keyable translate, rotate, and scale settings that animators most commonly use to key their animation.

1.03a the Channel Box: Transform Attributes

1.03b the Channel Box: Input and Outputs

Duration: 0:59


We continue our cover of the Channel Box layout with the input and output sections.  This area shows your shapeNode(s) name, along with all incoming and outgoing nodes connected to your object.

1.03b the Channel Box: Input and Output

1.03c the Channel Box: Layer Editor

Duration: 4:52


The layer editor makes up the final piece of the Channel Box, and allows you to put objects into layers for easy visibility switching, locking off selection, and isolating and separating.  


Forgive the older video, I know the still life setup is not the same as the rest of these videos, and throws off the flow ;)

1.03c the Channel Box: Layer Editor

1.03 the Channel Box

Duration: 2:16


The channel box shows you the transform and visibility settings for each object, along with any other attributes added.  You can also see the history of your object here, and incoming connections.  The Layer Editor comes attached to this window and helps keep a clean scene, as well as ease of selection of objects.

1.03 the Channel Box

1.03d the Channel Box: Colors

Duration: 8:57


When an attribute has an incoming connection controlling it, the channel box changes colors in that particular attributes. 

pink = there's a key on that attribute

   red = there's a key on that attribute on the current frame

   blue = there's a constraint on that attribute

   yellow = there's a one to one connection on that attribute

   purple = there is an expression controlling that attribute

   green = there are multiple inputs, causing a blend (this is bad!)


1.03d the Channel Box: Colors

1.03e the Channel Box: Extra Attributes

Duration: 3:56


Often, rigs will have extra attributes added to controllers.  In this video we'll go over where those show up, how to add them and delete them.

1.03e the Channel Box: Extra Attributes

1.03f the Channel Box: Locking and Unlocking Attributes

Duration: 1:43


Sometimes attributes will be locked so that the user does not incorrectly use a controller.  However, locking can be used for more than just controls - it comes in handy when locking down cameras so you don't accidentally change your render angle, locking attributes you don't want to touch accidentally, as well as freeing up locked attributes that you need to use.

1.03f the Channel Box: Locking and Unlocking Attributes

1.01 Maya User Interface: Introduction

1.01 Maya User Interface: Introduction                                     

Duration: 4:21


We get a quick lay of the land with tis introduction to Maya's UI, for anyone who isn't very familiar with the program yet.  If you've been using Maya for a while now, you're pretty safe to skip 1.01.  

1.01a Maya User Interface: the Viewport                                   

Duration: 6:08


A quick introduction to the viewport and the helpful menus that make ease of camera switching, isolation, and showing/hidig objects, along with shader mode and a few other quick and easy buttons for user ease.

1.01a Maya User Interface: the Viewport

1.05 Tool Settings

1.05 Tool Settings

Duration: 9:17


A short video to go over the tool settings window if you're not already familiar with it.  We'll show you some cool tricks with selection and rotation

1.05a Tool Settings: Maya 2016 Updates

1.05a Tool Settings: Maya 2016 Updates

Duration: 0:36


A quick video to cover if any of you are using Maya 2015 or previous versions.  A lot changed in Maya 2016, and the tool settings panel looks quite different now.

1.04 the Attribute Editor

Duration: 4:23


The attribute editor lets you open up more complex settings (attributes) on each object and edit them as needed.  This includes changing colors on things like curves, changing visibility settings, and a whole lot more complex stuff too.

1.04 the Attribute Editor

Tutorials: Maya Interface

These videos will cover all the things you need to know about the Maya Interface (from the viewpoint of a rigger).  We'll go over things like the Outliner, Channel Box, Attribute Editor, and some basic hotkeys and shortcuts you may not be familiar with that that can help speed up/ease your Maya usage.

1.07 Hot Keys

1.07 Hot Keys

Duration: TBD


Quick video to go over some of the hot keys that will help you move through Maya faster.  Some you may know, but hopefully we'll introduce you to a couple tricks you weren't aware of!

1.07a the Hot Key Editor

1.07a the Hotkey Editor                         

Duration: TBD


A quick run through of the hotkey editor: how to alter current hotkeys, set custom hotkeys, or look up what a hotkey does or which action is set to which hotkey.

1.06 Isolate Select

Duration: 2:05


There are several options for selecting or isolating objects in Maya.  Riggers us them all the time: they'll help you move quicker through Maya, especially when trying to grab hard-to-select controls, or a lot of controls at once.

1.06 Isolate Select

1.06a Isolate Select: Layer Editor  

Duration: 4:40


One of the ways you can quickly isolate or hide objects is using Maya's layer editor.  Through the creation of layers, you can lock, hide, or isolate multiple objects with the click of the mosue.

1.06a Isolate Select: Layer Editor

1.06b Isolate Select: Quick Select Sets

Duration: 2:58


Another method for quick selection and isolation is a quick select set, which allows you to create a temporary "folder" in the outliner filled with a list of objects.

1.06b Isolate Select: Quick Select Sets

1.06c Isolate Select: Show Select Mode

Duration: 2:46


Determining what shows in your viewport can be a quick way to isolate objects of one type.  For instance, if you need to select all your controllers, you can show>none, then show>curves, and only your controllers will be visible and selectable in scene.

1.06c Isolate Select: Selection Mode

1.02 the Outliner                                         

Duration: 4:34


  The outliner shows everything in your scene: even the stuff you can't see.  As Riggers, it's the tool we use most.  You'll learn how to open it up and navigate it, and a few base things we use it for.

1.02 the Outliner

1.02a the Outliner: Parenting

Duration: 5:51


Parenting in the outliner is one of the most important things we can do.  Not only does it provide organization and a clean scene, but it also creates your first and most basic relationship between objects: that of a parent/child.  Like a filing system on a computer, we can nest objects within other objects and groups.

1.02a the Outliner: Parenting and Organization

1.02b the Outliner: Hiding objects

Duration: 3:03


Another thing you can do in the outliner is hide objects from view, turning their visibility off and on with an easy hotkey.  You can also see what objects are hidden, as the names of hidden objects change from white to gray in the outliner.

1.02b the Outliner: Hiding Objects

1.02c the Outliner: Grouping Objects

Duration: 4:20


Following the idea of parenting in the outliner, we discuss creating groups for organization to maintain a clean scene.

1.02c the Outliner: Grouping Objects

0.0 Tutorial Introduction                                     

Duration: 2:11


Just a quick video to get us started.  I introduce myself, we talk a little about how these videos are going to go and the layout, and then we jump into our first section: The Maya User Interface!

0.0 Tutorial Introduction

1.08 the Script Editor

Duration: TBD


Don't panic: we won't make you script anything.  The script editor is an important tool for a rigger, and there are a couple things in there that can really help you, even if you have never scripted in your life.

1.08 the Script Editor

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